In May 2019, the Trust hosted a visit inside the Tyler Hill Tunnel at the south portal. This was made possible by the kind permission of the owner, Paul Roberts. He has spent considerable time and money, faithfully restoring the portal, as well as protecting it from vandalism. We also required permission from Kent Bat Group’s Shirley Thompson. This is because the tunnel is now home to bats, so access requires permission and guidance from someone with a Bat License. We also had permission from the Archbishop’s school for access.
If you would like to visit the tunnel in the future then we give members preference, you can join here Or Keep an eye out on or Facebook Page but we may not always advertise there if enough members take up the chance.
Some pictures from the visit.
Trustee and Tunnel Officer, John Burden, Introducing the Tunnel and other Speakers to the Visitors.
Trust Archivist, Jonathan Baker, explaining some of the History of the Tunnel
Shirley Thompson talking about the Bats that now live in the Tunnel.
A vent brick placed for bats. Although they tend to favour the gaps that have formed as the mortar around the existing bricks has decayed.
Trust Secretary Robin Townsend showing off our plans to extend the current Foot Cycle path that runs along the old line.
Trust Chair, William Leetham, showing the Beverley Arch to visitors.